[OpenLayers-Users] WFS - legend

Alexander Petkov greenkov at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 21:12:57 EDT 2009

On 4/6/09, floflo <florent.gravin at bluecham.net> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  can we get a legend from the symbol we use for our features ?
>  for exemple, proportionnal symbol, StyleMap(defaut, select) with a varying radius ..
>  can we get the image of the symbol in itself (triangle or circle with the right color and size).. for exemple ?
>  thks

Assuming that you are using any WMS-compliant backend (for example,
mapserver or geoserver), then yes.

More specifically, "SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic" with the
rest of the required parameters is what you are looking for.


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