[OpenLayers-Users] WMS layer overlay on google map

Subha Ramakrishnan subha at gslab.com
Wed Feb 4 04:30:28 EST 2009


I want to overlay a WMS layer on google base map (Google Physical).
The image that I have is a raster data and am using MapServer to show 
the image.
The data is in Transverse Mercator projection.

I'm able to get the image when I hit the mapserver url in the browser, 
provided i give the extent in meters for that particular country but 
using OL, i get only a blank image.
The projection is 4326 in the map file.

OL code:
var twms1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( 
            { map: "Land_use_cover_from_SPOT.map",
            units: "m",
              transparent: 'true', layers:"Land_use_cover_from_SPOT",
              format: 'image/png',
            maxExtent: new 
              //maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(60,0,100,40)
              //maxResolution: 156543.0339,
            },{singleTile: 'true'});

Does some one know how to project transverse mercator on Google map??

Please help.

Thanks & regards,

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