[OpenLayers-Users] Select Feature on Multiple Layers

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Wed Feb 25 13:03:42 EST 2009

bianchimro at gmail.com wrote:
> I am trying to use your patch:
> http://trac.openlayers.org/attachment/ticket/1666/singleroot.6.patch
> to allow selecting features from multiple features. I wanted to ask
> some help:
> 1) how to apply the patch? Currently I am using OL 2.7 stable. Should
> i apply all the 6 patches in order or just the latest? Apply to the
> 2.7 version or trunk? I am a bit confused about this.

You should just apply the latest patch. But it is unlikely that it will 
apply cleanly to OpenLayers 2.7. It will, however apply cleanly to the 
latest trunk version.

> 2)In my app I have a couple of vector layers over a google base
> layer.
> do you think I could use this functionality just passing an array of
> layers instead of a single layer or in general it needs some other
> modifications to map/layers code?

No other modification needed.


Andreas Hocevar
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org/
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