[OpenLayers-Users] Projection problem?

Fabian Patzke listensammler at patzi.de
Tue Jan 20 05:25:51 EST 2009

Joao Duarte schrieb:
> ...
> I leave you with an example  of how doing the last option:
> var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromPixel(e.xy).transform(new
> OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new
> OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:32632"));
> I see that you're already performing the transformation, but the source and
> destination projections are the same (EPSG:900913). Try the example I gave
> you.
...arghs, my fault wanted to do it in the way you told with the
transformation, but somehow I messed it up. Without you pointing me on
this it could have spend hours without finding it.

> Hope it helps,
Yes it did ;)

Thanks a lot,

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