[OpenLayers-Users] How to add an overlay to the map, but not select it by default

Adrian Popa adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Fri Jun 26 08:51:52 EDT 2009

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to add several overlay layers (from mapserver) to an 
openlayers map. Everything works as expected, but when the map loads, 
all the overlay layers are selected. I would like to have the ability 
(programmatically) to select which layers are selected by default. 
Here's an example of how I enable an overlay layer:

var rtc = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer("Test", 
"http://terra/cgi-bin/mapserv", { map='/var/www/html/map/rtc.map', 
transparent:true, format:'png',
map_imagetype: 'agg',layers: 'mylayer', maxExtent: new 
OpenLayers.Bounds(20.26, 43.16, 29.70, 48.46), maxResolution: 
156543,units: 'm'},
{ isBaseLayer:false, projection: sphericalMercator, singleTile: 'true'});


I was unable to find a method in the documentation to allow me to 
'deselect' specific layers. If there is, I would appreciate a pointer.

Thanks in advance,

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