[OpenLayers-Users] IE8 error when adding a vector layer

Amos Hayes ahayes at gcrc.carleton.ca
Fri Mar 20 10:15:39 EDT 2009


I saw the same error in testing one of our applications. IE 8 RC1 (in  
native IE8 mode) does a much better job with everything else in our  
application though. There seem to be significant improvements in  
layout rendering to bring it in line with Firefox and Safari, although  
it's still slower.

The bug seems to result from the decision to remove CSS expressions in  
favour of properly implementing CSS.

I just checked and IE 8 was officially released yesterday! I had no  
idea (I'm deprived that way).

Joao, did you want to file a bug for this problem or shall I? I may  
try to dig into a fix for it. If Microsoft is finally releasing a  
browser that aims to be standards compatible, I'd hate to see everyone  
just turn on the old rendering engine.

Amos Hayes
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
Carleton University
ahayes at gcrc.carleton.ca

On 20-Mar-09, at 7:46 AM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:32:30AM +0000, Joao Duarte wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I was trying my OL app in IE8 and when I add a Vector Layer to the  
>> map, when
>> the time comes to assign the VML renderer, I get an error on this  
>> line (in
>> the VML constructor):
>> style.addRule('olv\\:*', "behavior: url(#default#VML); " + "position:
>> absolute; display: inline-block;");
>> Saying invalid argument.
>> This was not happening in IE7, and if in IE8 I turn on the  
>> compatibility
>> mode, there’s no error.
> OpenLayers has not been tested much in IE8. I would say that for the  
> 2.8
> release or earlier, the bst solution is simply to add the  
> compatibility
> mode flag.
> -- Chris
>> Anyone else saw this?
>> Regards,
>> João Duarte
>> SAPO Mapas,  <http://mapas.sapo.pt> http://mapas.sapo.pt
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> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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