[OpenLayers-Users] GYMO overlay issues

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Sep 29 14:45:36 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I've copied the OL spherical mercator example on my server and I notice
the following : Google, Yahoo! and OSM (GYOSM) superimpose exactly and
MS (VE and BING) superimpose with respect to each other, but not with
respect to the GYOSM bunch.  Even more : a WMS layer will map correctly
over the MS layers and the GYOSM layers.  The layer will simply follow
the offset (in x and y).  

I also see that the MS layers don't wrap like the GYOSM.  I've used the
same map options settings than the spherical mercator example.  Any hint
at what the cause of that offset could be ?



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