[OpenLayers-Users] TileCache and Openlayers

Rahn Hanno (rahn) rahn at zhaw.ch
Wed Sep 30 07:43:22 EDT 2009

I will realise the Tilecache but it doesn't work with my base layer. For all other layers it works.


Hello list,


I have another question and perhaps somebody can help me. I try to use Tilecache for a better performance of my maps.

I try to realise it, but in this time it will only work for my background layers. For my base Layer it doesn^t work. 


For my base layer (only polygons, "gemeinden_2008") I write the follwing code in the tilecache.cfg.













And in my OpenLayers File I define the layer like this:


var layerName = (jahr <=2008) ? 'gemeinden_2008' : 'gemeinden_2009';

var urlArrayTC = ["http://webgis.hsw.ch/cgi-bin/tilecache/tilecache.cgi?"];

var mapFile = "../htdocs/GINES/Maps/Gemeinden_Bern.map";


var options1 = {

                        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(555100,129900,678450,245000),

                        maxScale: '500',

                        minScale: '458262',

                        //                      fractionalZoom: true,

                        resolutions:[481.8359375, 240.91796875, 120.458984375, 60.2294921875, 30.11474609375, 15.057373046875, 7.5286865234375, 3.76434326171875, 1.882171630859375, 0.9410858154296875, 0.47054290771484375, 0.23527145385742188, 0.11763572692871094, 0.058817863464355469, 0.029408931732177734, 0.014704465866088867, 0.0073522329330444336, 0.0036761164665222168, 0.0018380582332611084, 0.0009190291166305542],

                        //                      tileSize: new OpenLayers.Size(500,500),

                        units: 'm',

                        projection: "EPSG:21781",

                        controls: []



var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map',options1);


var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Gemeinden",urlArrayTC, {map:mapFile,layers:layerName,format:"image/png",EXCEPTIONS:"application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage"} );


var sld_string=url+"jahr="+jahr+"&indikator="+indikator1+"&klassen="+klassen+"&vis="+vis+"&fusion="+jahr4+"&farbe="+farbe;


wms.mergeNewParams({ SLD:sld_string});


I only get a white map without any polygons. Perhaps you can give me a little tip. I don't know Why I have no map data.


A lot of thanks 

Hanno Rahn




Hanno Rahn, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Geoinformatik

ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen 

Fachstelle Geoinformatik 

Grüental, Postfach CH-8820 Wädenswil 

Tel +41 (0)58 934 5592

Fax +41 (0)58 934 5580 

hanno.rahn at zhaw.ch 



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