[OpenLayers-Users] No one knows How to do online GIS analysis

Robert Burgholzer rburghol at vt.edu
Sun Aug 1 16:28:22 EDT 2010

You pretty much answered your questions, given the open-ended-ness of
the query.  How do you do it?  Just like you said, but with a bunch of
programming to sew it all together.  However, I could add a small
modification to your approach, and expansion of process:

1. I don't know if java has something to connect to geoserver like
mapscript (mapscript accesses mapserver, could be used instead of geo
server), but mapserver and php mapscript could be useful (and I think
perl and Ruby has one too)
2. you do the actual spatial analysis using PostGIS spatial analysis
functions - see the online documentation for the relevant SQL
functions for your queries etc.

Robert W. Burgholzer

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