[OpenLayers-Users] Questions on using Protocol.HTTP and custom XML to load/edit features

Eric Lemoine eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com
Sun Mar 14 16:05:34 EDT 2010

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
> I'm running OL 2.8, I have not tried trunk.
> http://imaptools.com:8080/tilecache/test.html?zoom=17&lat=33.89595&lon=35.49935&layers=BT
> This is a work in progress, that is getting edits, but demonstrates the
> issue.
> 1) Turn on Firebug
> 2) load the page
> 3) verify in the FB->"Net" tab that
> http://imaptools.com:8080/tilecache/poi-server.php?...
> has not been called.
> 4) Either pan view slightly ot toggle Vector layer off/on in layerswitcher
> 5) Notice in FB->"Net" tab the poi-server.php is called.

Hi Steve.

I think I know what's going on, and it isn't a bug in the lib.

init does not call zoomToMaxExtent, because the ArgParser control,
which the map constructor includes by default, already called
setCenter. The ArgParser calls setCenter when the WMS layer is added,
i.e. before the BBOX strategy is activated, so the BBOX strategy
doesn't catch the first moveend. I'm pretty sure that setting controls
to null in the map options makes the problem go away.


Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 96
Mail : eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com

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