[OpenLayers-Users] How to use WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) in OpenLayers

Esben Taudorf eta at le34.dk
Fri May 28 10:04:27 EDT 2010

Hi Cédric


Thanks for your reply. I will try to use the XYZ layer class. 

The WMTS I am testing is unfortunately not open, but it would be nice to have open WMTS server.


I just realised that there are a ticket about adding a new WMTS layer class here: 



The WMTS service that I am testing have KVP (Key-value-pairs) as parameters so maybe a WMTS layer with parameters is a better option for me.  

Anyway I will try the XYZ class.




Fra: Cédric Moullet [mailto:cedric.moullet at camptocamp.com] 
Sendt: 28. maj 2010 15:04
Til: Esben Taudorf
Cc: users at openlayers.org
Emne: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] How to use WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) in OpenLayers


If you want (can) to use the WMTS RESTFul interface, you can use:

var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ(layerName,

                    "http://wmtsPath/${z}/${y}/${x}.jpeg <http://wmtsPath/$%7bz%7d/$%7by%7d/$%7bx%7d.jpeg> ", jpegOptions);


Hope this helps.
I would be interested to know if there are open (RESTFull) WMTS servers available.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Esben Taudorf <eta at le34.dk> wrote:

Hi everybody


I am trying to use a WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) and was wondering how to do this and which layer class to use?

I use the newest stable build of OpenLayers (2.9.1).


Regards, Esben

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Geospatial Director Camptocamp SA
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