[OpenLayers-Users] Handle multiple zoom events

Rune Madsen rm.at.jo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 07:50:47 EDT 2011



I battle with a problem which occur when the user hits zoom in/out quick
several times, like zoom out -> zoom out click on a pan zoom bar without
waiting for the new images get loaded. I my application I have to change the
WMS styles parameter on the shown layers to styles1/style2/style3 depending
on the resolution of the map


Currently I update the style parameter in the layers loadstart event,
however it do not get called, when the user execute zoom out/in fast after
each other. 


Are there a better way to update style when the user change zoomlevel. I
have tried the maps moveend event and using mergenewparam, which resulted in
a lot of aborted request (if I use IE9 network sniffer I gets a lot of
aborted request, which I want to avoid - see the zoom level example at
http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.10/examples/, clicking zoom
in or out several times fast.)


Is there a way to delay requesting new tiles on zoom and wait to the user
finish clicking zoom out or how to handle this scenario?






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