[OpenLayers-Users] Switch layer from bing aerial zooming

Yuri Roncella yrogen at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 14:14:57 EDT 2011

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to concatenate two layers using the zoom, like google maps
and google street view.
The first one is a bing layer and the second is hosted on geoserver.

I would use the same panZoomBar so when you try to zoom the bing layer
over the maxResolution
it automatically change the base layer to the other one.

I found this code:

                      moveend: function(e) {
                        if(e.zoomChanged) {
                            var zoom = parseInt(map.zoom);
                            if(zoom >= 19 ){

It works but I can't display the last zoom view provided by bing cause
I can't modify the numZoomLevel of the bing layer (defalut is 20) and
so I don't generate a ZoomChanged event when I press the zoom In
Moreover when the layer switch, the zoom bar jump from maxScale of
bing layer (level 19) to minScale of the other layer (level 4).

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