[OpenLayers-Users] Feature attribute editing/updating

killerz eoinskilleen at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 08:53:29 EDT 2011


I hoping that somebody here will be able to help me out as i have spent days
trying to figure this out and its a vital part of an application im
developing for my university dissertation. I am struggling to update
attributes values via a popup box. My data is stored in PostGIS with a blank
text column which i want to be able to add text to as I draw a new feature.

I have been trying to work from this example:

I have the popup box with the current value displaying in the text input(I
entered random values via PostGIS to test it) and an update button but
nothing happens. I not sure if the error is in the update button or in the
updateattributes function. the example has 2 fields to update so my mistake
maybe altering it to 1 field but I cant figure it out. I have draw, modify
geometry, delete and save working with the same layer so the data is not the
issue. The relevant part of the code is below:

function createPopup(feature) {

var attInfo = feature.attributes['info'] ? feature.attributes['info'] : "no

feature.popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("pop",
            '<div>Popup<p> <input id="attInfo_' + feature.id + '"
type="text" style="width:100%" value="'  + attInfo +'"> <p><input

+ feature.id + '" type="button" value="Update" onclick="updateAttributes(\''
+ feature.id + '\');"></div>',
            function() { selcontrol.unselectAll(); }

	function destroyPopup(feature) {
        	feature.popup = null;
	var selcontrol = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(points, {
        	onSelect: createPopup,
        	onUnselect: destroyPopup

function updateAttributes(fid) 
	feature.attributes.info  = document.getElementById("attInfo_" + fid).value;

                for(var key in feature.attributes)                
                   {   if(key != "info")                    

		var data =  document.getElementById('att' + key + '_' + fid).value;                        
		if(feature.attributes[key] != data)                            
		feature.attributes[key] = data;                    }                

Any help would be appreciated. Information on this seems to be lacking
online any examples that show attribute editing also include many other
complex element making them difficult to examine. Perhaps a simple example
would be useful. 

Thanks in advance!


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Feature-attribute-editing-updating-tp6703055p6703055.html
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