[OpenLayers-Users] Re: AW: Re: adding KML file

vrbikdan vrbikdan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 07:45:27 EST 2011

Arnd Wippermann <arnd.wippermann at ...> writes:

> Most likely you use a commercial layer (Google, VE,...) with a map
> projection EPSG:4326 instead of sphericalMercator EPSG:900913.
> Arnd 

No, every projection I use do the same. Coordinates aren't right, lines 
aren't in places where it should be and moving with me, when I want to 
pan north or south. I'm not sure, if I can explain it correctly, so if 
you want http://dvphoto.xf.cz/dp/dp.html I'm using google maps as base 
layer and now is projection WGS84 (epsg: 4326).
thanks for helping

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