[OpenLayers-Users] proj4js with wms + wfs: troubles getting both two working

Andrés Maneiro amaneiro at icarto.es
Mon Feb 14 13:42:18 EST 2011

Hi there,

I've got a weird behaviour when using proj4js with WMS layer.

Some of the vector data I'm playing with are in EPSG:23029, so I need 
proj4js to show WFS data (script included by script tag in HTML). Now, 
the problem appears when I try to include WMS data too.

I'm using this code:

- HTML code: http://pastebin.com/ck7SUj9J
- js code: http://pastebin.com/RS1aaq5d

That's weird because if I delete the proj4js call in HTML (lines 9 and 
10), the WMS map will show... but -obviously- the WFS features not.

Any thoughts on this one?


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