[OpenLayers-Users] change of baselayer changes bbox

Sven Burbeck sburbeck at bfs.de
Thu Mar 24 06:13:39 EDT 2011

Hi list,
I have the following problem.
My baselayer is of type "OpenLayers.Layer.Google".  MapProjection =
"EPSG: 3857" (same as 900913).
So far everything works well.
Now I would like to add a second Baselayer of type
"OpenLayers.Layer.WMS".  (Fist I tried using this layer as overlay-layer
and everything worked well)
However, when adding it as baselayer and changing the baselayer by
radiobutton apparently the mapExtent changes and I can't display the new
baselayer (WMS) anymore.

Is there anything, that I have to take into account when adding a layer
as baselayer rather than as overlay?


Sven Burbeck
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS)
SW 2.1
Rosastr. 9
D-79098 Freiburg
phone:	++49 (0)3018 333 6741
fax:	++49 (0)3018 10 333 6741

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