[OpenLayers-Users] Internet Explorer 8 Issues on adding KML-Layer

Andreas Schnieders schnieders.a at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 01:03:20 PDT 2012


I'm experiencing serious issues when adding a KML-Layer to OpenLayers in
the IE. The KML-Data is - up to this state of development - provided by a
JSP. When just creating the KML-Layer everything is fine, but when actually
adding it to the map the IE8 consumes 50-80% CPU-Usage and just crashes. No
interaction or anything possible.

Creating and adding works just fine in Chrome and Firefox.

Does anyone have any hints on this? How is the internal OpenLayers
mechanisms? Isn't the data obtained and created on "new
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(...)" already? How is it this works but adding it
to the map doesn't? It's something around 150 objects. Each consisting of
one Point-Placemark and on LineString-Placemark.

Here's my code for creating the layer:

    kmlLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("KML", {
                strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed(),
                             new OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh({force: true,
interval:  5000 })],
                protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
                    url: "track-server.jsp",
                    params: {
                        'track': 1,
                        'label': 1,
                        'speed': 6
//                      'speed': $("#speedLengthSelector").val(),
                    format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
                        extractStyles: false,
                        extractAttributes: true,
                        maxDepth: 2
                styleMap: styleMap


Many thanks in advance,
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