[OpenLayers-Users] editing icons not showing

Phil Scadden p.scadden at gns.cri.nz
Sun Dec 2 19:27:49 PST 2012

>  Iam developing an application using Geoserver 2.2, Openlayers 2.12 
> and Postgresql. I have been following the tutorial 
> at:http://www.gistutor.com/openlayers/22-advanced-openlayers-tutorials/47-openlayers-wfs-t-using-a-geoserver-hosted-postgis-layer.html.
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 >I tried to download the openlayers stable release and placed the 
theme/default/img folder in the root directory of the Geoserver but i 
still get >no response. am using windows 7. I think the problem is with 
the path but i can't still figure it out.

It looks to me like you are having problems getting the web server 
configuration sorted. You fundamentally need to have a good handle on 
the basics of web applications.

I use Apache and Apache Tomcat but basics should be the same for jetty 
etc, though 8080 suggests tomcat.

Your server layout has a web apps root. (by default webapps in tomcat).
You should have your application in a separate directory to geoserver. I 
usually put openlayers in another.

Under myapp, you put the things like theme, images etc. Keep clear of 
geoserver and move geoserver_data to  point to a directory outside
geoserver. This lets you update geoserver at will without disturbing 
other applications nor the data. You will need to setup the context path 
to openlayers. Alternatively put OpenLayers in subdir of myapp.
Make sure you have a proxy!!! (dont try to fight it).  Try 
https://github.com/terrestris/JSP-Whitelist-Proxy for a jsp and edit to 
match your system.

> I would also like to know how i can add multiple layers(wfs) in the 
> application through the geoserver.
This is just the OpenLayers.addLayers() call. However, unless you layers 
have trivial amounts of data, you are best to add layers as WMS and 
query them with WFS. (see 
http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeature-wfs.html for starters).

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