[OpenLayers-Users] steps to zoom and center on the selected polygon

Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 15:02:34 EST 2012

I am trying to accomplish the following, and would appreciate advice on how to go about doing it --

1. the user click,click,click... double-clicks to create a polygon;

2. the map zooms to the polygon so that the polygon occupies the left half of the browser window.

Here is my attempt to draw the interface --

|                 .                |
|                 .                |
|                 .                |
|                 .                |
|                 .                |
|     A           .        B       |
|                 .                |
|                 .                |
|                 .                |
|                 .                |

so, once a polygon is drawn, the map zooms so the drawn polygon is centered to its full extent within A above.

Suggestions welcome. Many thanks,

Puneet Kishor

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