[OpenLayers-Users] how do I load deprecated.js from hosted API location(http://openlayers.org/api)?

Micah Wengren micah.wengren at noaa.gov
Mon Jul 9 13:44:07 PDT 2012

Hi Andreas,

Ok.  Originally I switched from a locally-hosted copy to the
http://openlayers.org/ version at some point due to some strange
inconsistencies in how the OpenLayers map tiles and UI controls were
loaded into <div> tags in my site.  I'm sure it had to do with a code
issue somewhere on my end, but in my case it worked a lot better to use
the hosted API version since all of the issues I was experiencing
disappeared as soon as I changed.  

I will try downloading and hosting locally the new version and
deprecated.js, thanks. 

My code had loaded a KML data set using Layer.GML with a
OpenLayers.Format.KML format.  What's the proper way to display a KML
layer in 2.12? 


On 7/9/2012 3:51 PM, Andreas Hocevar wrote:
> Hi,
> using the hosted build on http://openlayers.org/api is not recommended
> at all - and deprecated.js is not available there either. That server
> is slow and not too reliable. So if possible, please download the 2.12
> release and host OpenLayers along with your application.
> Having said that, we have been looking for organizations that can
> provide hosted CDN builds, but don't have any as of now.
> Andreas.
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Micah Wengren <micah.wengren at noaa.gov> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some OpenLayers code that was broken by the latest release 2.12.  I'm
>> just trying to add a line to load the deprecated.js API components so my
>> site will work until I can upgrade my code.  The following URLs don't work
>> though:
>> http://openlayers.org/api/deprecated.js , or:
>> http://openlayers.org/api/2.12/deprecated.js
>> I see the file in the latest .tar.gz download for 2.12, but is there a
>> hosted version I can access somewhere?  Didn't see this in the documentation
>> anywhere, if it is and I missed it, my apologies.
>> Micah
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