[OpenLayers-Users] Mapserver issues

Kim Desrosiers kdesrosiers at cgq.qc.ca
Mon Jul 16 12:34:47 PDT 2012


I work on a interactive map for a company. My problem is when I want to pan outer of the bounds, the map  doesn't refresh and the tile is not reload. This  happens with a WMS and a MapServer Layer with singleTile to true. If I put the singleTile parameter  to false its work. Also, on this interactive map I have change the version of openLayers I pass from openLayers 2.8 to openLayers 2.11 and when I use 2.8 its work but with 2.11 I meet the issue. I have try to change the control OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults()  to  OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()  and nothing change.

Here a example of the source code of a layer definition:

UniteEvalLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Unités d'évaluation",vpUrlCarte ,
                                                              {layers:["terrain"], 'map_imagetype':"GIF"},{'projection':'EPSG:32187','singleTile':true,'printParams' :{}, 'gutter':0}, vpMapOptions);

Any advice appreciated.

Kim Desrosiers

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