[OpenLayers-Users] Overlay image opacity problems in IE

Bennos benjaminpreisig at gmx.at
Wed Nov 28 08:03:32 PST 2012


this question is quite old, but I am facing the same problem. Maybe someone
found a solution in the meantime. 

To describe it in a few words: I have an Image Layer as overlay, defined
with 0.5 opacity. After zooming in to zoom level 11, the image becomes
opaque. This happens only with IE8 (and I am sure with IE7, too).

I prepared an example at  http://jsfiddle.net/hc23n/
<http://jsfiddle.net/hc23n/>   (the image is just for testing purposes).
After zooming in you will see the problem. The strange thing is, that only
the visible opacity is changing. If I type /imgLayer.opacity;/ to the
console it still shows me the right value.

Does someone know this problem? Can it be solved??


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Overlay-image-opacity-problems-in-IE-tp3946321p5019344.html
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