[OpenLayers-Users] Mapfish and GeoExt PrintProvider issue

Brad Bordine b.bordine at decapower.org
Mon Dec 16 19:47:30 PST 2013

I am trying to make a Ext grid object print out via mapfish print and am 
unclear how to send the "grids" parameter through the spec. There is an 
example of a user sending the grids parameter to the Mapfish "print 
widget (http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/0qLmXVvRWkxmMKrmM5kL) 
however no one mentions how to do that using the print.provider GeoExt 
widget, which seems to be the object communicating with the server 
Mapfish widget. We are aware of the need for configuring the YAML but at 
the moment are trying to figure out how to get the right spec. Relevant 
snippets are below

        avoidedgrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
             title: "Total Avoided Costs for 1MW at Specified Location",
             id: 'gridpanel',
             renderTo: "gridoutput",
             collapsible: true,
             iconCls: 'icon-grid',
             ds: ds,
             cm: colModel

var printProvider = new GeoExt.data.PrintProvider({
         method: "POST", // "POST" recommended for production use
         layout: ('Letter'),
         capabilities: printCapabilities, // from the info.json script 
in the html
         customParams: {
             mapTitle: "DECA Map",
             dpi: 300,
             grids: [avoidedgrid]

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