[OpenLayers-Users] Mobile map help. Map does not appear at first.

miguel juanabreu at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 24 06:38:27 PST 2013


I was wondering if anyone has encountered this issue. I'm using jquery
mobile and openlayers mobile to display a TMS type map. Everything seems to
work ok until I go to see the map on the web I get no image of the map. What
are causes of this? however if I turn my phone landscape and then hit the
zoom button the map does appear?... it's very weird. Can you guys suggest
how to trouble shoot this? I would really appreciate any help you guys can


Code is pretty basic here it is.


<body onload="init()" class="ui-mobile-viewport">

 <div class ="Container">

<div id="home" data-role="page" data-title="View Source: Home">

           <div data-role="header">

                <h1>You Are here</h1>


           <a href="#_MAP" 








<div id="_MAP" data-role="page" data-title="View Source: Blog">

           <!--<div data-role="header">


                <a href="#home" data-icon="home"


        <div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main">

                <div id="map" class="olMap"></div>









     <!--<img src="MAP2/0/0/0.png" />-->






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