[OpenLayers-Users] Conversion of BBox for GetFeature Request

Jerome A. Wendell jawendell at digitalmapping.com
Thu Mar 7 11:19:19 PST 2013


Thank you very much for your response.  I followed Phil's suggestion and a
little earlier today I was able to determine that I had left that line out
of my declaration.  That part of my issue had been resolved and I was no
longer getting the error.  I will try the additional information that you
have provided for that, because I had only added "this.setModifiers(evt);".

But, then I could tell that the features selected were on the highlight
layer, but I could not see them.  I wondered if there could be a problem
with the projection, and I was starting to think about how to deal with
that.  I have added the additional line to transform the features that you
suggested, and now I can see the features on the highlight layer.  Your
timing is perfect, as you have saved me the time of trying to figure out how
to transform the features.

I appreciate your response and all of the help that you have provided.

Phil:  Thanks for your recommendation, as you have not only helped me to
solve the problem I was having, but you have shown me a new tool that should
enable me to resolve more issues on my own instead of always reaching out to
the list.

Gery:  Thanks for your input into my problem.  You have assisted me a number
of times.

Thanks to all again.  Now, on to my next challenge.


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