[OpenLayers-Users] how to query wms, like wfs?

zach cruise zachc1980 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 13:24:13 PST 2014

to query wfs, i first specify layer, action and function:

	var query = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(wfs_layer,
		{	callbacks: { 'click': result }

then in the function, i style the attributes returned:

	function result(feature) {
		var html = "";
		for (var i in feature.attributes) {
			html += i + feature.attributes[i];
		html += "";
		OpenLayers.Util.getElement('div').innerHTML = html;

how do i do the same for wms
(http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html)? per
http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeatureinfo-control.html, i

	var query = {
		click: new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
			layers: [wms_layer]

	for (var i in query) {
		query[i].events.register("getfeatureinfo", this);
		map.addControl(query[i]); // instead of map.addControl(query) for wfs

	query.click.activate(); // instead of query.activate() for wfs

but where do i specify the function to style the attributes returned,
like before?

and clicking on a wms feature returns this:

	<?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
	<!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM
	<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
			msWMSFeatureInfo(): WMS server error. Unsupported INFO_FORMAT value

how do i fix INFO_FORMAT? (my map file =

working examples appreciated.

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