[OpenLayers-Users] WFS layer not being portrayed in map canvas

Luís de Sousa luis.a.de.sousa at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 06:48:16 PDT 2014

Dear all,

I have a "rich" application (OL 2.13 + GeoExt 1) where some layers
must be styled dynamically according to user input. I am able to add a
vector layer using WFS and then apply a style rule. Recently some
users started complaining the feature is not working. Eventually I
found out some WFS layers are not being portrayed in the map canvas by

Below is a minimum example with a simple map and one of the
problematic layers. After loading all objects the debugger shows a
vector layer within the map object; this vector layer is reporter as
visible and with the drawn property set to true. In the features array
there are 8 objects as expected, but there is nothing visible in the
map. There are no errors reported in the console.

I am able to display this same layer through WFS in QGIS and access
all its attributes without trouble.

What is going wrong here? Thank you,



 <script type="text/javascript"
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"

 <script type="text/javascript">

function initMap()
    // Do not forget to add maps.iguess.tudor.lu to the proxy's
allowed addresses
    OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url=";

    var mapProjection = "EPSG:31467";
    var mapServicePath =

    var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(3500000,5410000,3525000,5425000);

    map = new OpenLayers.Map("MiniMap",{
        projection: new OpenLayers.Projection(mapProjection),
        units: "m",
        maxExtent: bounds,

    map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());

    var cityWMS =  new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
        {layers: "LB_urban_landuse",
         format: "image/png",
         srsName: mapProjection,
          transparent: "true",
          projection: new OpenLayers.Projection(mapProjection)},
        {isBaseLayer: true,
          visibility: true}

    var testWFS = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("testWFS", {
        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
        projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:31467"),
         visibility: true,
        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
            version: "1.1.0",
            featureNS: "http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver",
            featureType: "LB_sliders_test",
            srsName: "EPSG:31467"

    map.addLayers([cityWMS, testWFS]);
       map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(3514100,5417800), 7);


 <body onLoad="initMap();" style="margin:0px">
     <div  style="width:800px; height:600px; background:white"
     <input type=button value="Click for debugger" onclick="debugger;"></input>

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