<form name="frmAddAddrs" action="http://address.mail.yahoo.com/yab/gr?v=YM&.rand=34711&A=m&simp=1" method="post"> <input name="fn" value="korakas" type="hidden"> <input name="ln" value="koarkis" type="hidden"> <input name="e" value="korakas2004@yahoo.gr" type="hidden"> <input name=".done" value="http://gr.f277.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?MsgId=314_101452_815_605_774_0_26_1984_1896880922&order=down&inc=&sort=date&view=a&head=b&box=Sent&YY=89393" type="hidden"> </form>Hi all,<br><br>I want to set up my own web mapping application only for my hometown.<br>I have all the raster data (tiles of the city) in various zoom levels and I am looking for a framework to provide an api (using API keys) over these data enabling rapid mashups!<br><br>I think openLayers api could do that for me, but I am not sure how I can "connect" my data to the framework.<br>The missing box here is a map server, right?<br>do you have any suggestions, about what
technologies should I use? <br><br><br>Sorry for the volume of the mail but I am a newbie ....<br>thanks in advance<br><br>lakis<p> 
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