Hi, it seems when I add the MouseToolbar control to my map, which I desperately need, the panning and zooming don't really work.<br><br>When I use the zoom selection box, the map is still panned when I hold down the mouse to create the zoom box. My #1 question is to fix this. The map definitely needs to not pan when the zoombox tool is selected.
<br><br>Also, less important but still noticeable, when panning before adding the MouseToolbar, the cursor stays in the same relative location on the map (i.e. if my mouse is at New York when i start panning, the map moves under the mouse so that the mouse remains at New York while panning). After adding the Toolbar, the mouse seems to remain more torward the center of the map while panning.
<br><br>My testing environment is at <a href="http://niceguy.wustl.edu/openlayers/">http://niceguy.wustl.edu/openlayers/</a><br><br>The code is quite long, so if you look at it, load() and preloadmaps() are the relative important parts to this discussion.
<br><br>Any other questions, I will respond ASAP.<br>Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Thanks!<br>-Ed<br>