Hi folks!<br><br>Last night I wrote the post about "problem with WFS Features" and I have just seen that I have another problem: the panning on my map is not working (some days ago it was ok.... now, without making changes on my code , something is wrong!)
<br><br>The error is on the Google.js file (line 228 on my version)
<br><span><div>" this.b has no properties<br><span>var div = this.b.firstChild.firstChild; "
<br><br>I don't use the last version of openlayers library because I made some updates in the code and I need time in order to remake them in a new version....<br><br>Someone knows the reasons of these matters?<br>Many thanks!
<br>F. P.<br></span></div></span><br><span style="font-size: larger;"><b></b></span>