<DIV>Hello dear sir,<BR> I have a question to consult you.Referencing to the example of adding a Marker with an AnchoredBubble popup,I implete a demo. I use WFS to query some data.And I make the popup display the data.It needs to transfer some parameters.But when I change the function registerd on the marker,<BR>It returns wrong.The codes are as follows.What I change is that <BR>"marker.events.register("mousedown", marker, mousedown(evt,str));".I want to know that in which js file I can modify the marker register function? Or is there some better way? Thank you very much!</DIV>
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<DIV> Sincerely yours,</DIV>
<DIV> Yang</DIV>
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<DIV> marker.events.register("mousedown", marker, mousedown);<BR> function mousedown(evt) {<BR> // check to see if the popup was hidden by the close box<BR> // if so, then destroy it before continuing<BR> if (popup != null) {<BR> if (!popup.visible()) {<BR> markers.map.removePopup(popup);<BR> popup.destroy();<BR> popup = null;<BR> }<BR> }....<BR> }</DIV>
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