Hi,<br><br>I want to create OpenLayers.Feature.Vector object setting an external image to each one via the externalGraphic style property. <br><br>I can set the externalGraphic without any problems, but i have issues with the image not being transparent, even though it is when i use it in a WMS layer (I created in as transparent in the gimp also). To get the graphic I am issuing a getLegendGraphic request to a Geoserver instance running.
<br><br>externalGraphic: "<webaddress>/geoserver/wms/GetLegendGraphic?VERSION=1.0.0&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&TRANSPARENT=true&STYLE=symbol2&LAYER=topp:point",<br><br>Is there something i need to set in the style for the Vector to get transparency, I currently only have externalGraphic, graphicHeight, and graphicWidth set. What is displayed is the correct image contained in a 20 X 20 white square (i just want to remove the white square), is this an openlayers issue, or a geoserver one ?