Hi,<br><br>newbie here...<br><br>I tried following the example at: <a href="http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/mapserver.html">http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/mapserver.html</a> to make my mapserver WMS work. I think the mapserver WMS is working correctly.
<br><br>My problem is that when I adjust the parameters to match my map (of MN counties), I get the eastern portion of MN being redrawn in the right-side (the arrowhead is drawn, and then drawn again to the right). On zooming in, the left side has some similar issues, with the left/western part being redrawn and shifted south of the middle portion of the map.
<br><br>i'd like to rtfm, but i'm not sure where to begin... is there something that explains a basic construction of how to use a wms and what each of the necessary parameters do?<br><br>thanks,<br>matt<br><br><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>It is from the wellspring of our despair and the places that we are broken that we come to repair the world.<br>-- Murray Waas