Hi,<br><br>I have an openlayers map displaying a WFS for all the counties in the US. <br>Each county (feature) has a few different attributes (SO2, CO, etc.).<br><br>I would really like, if possible, to allow the user to color the features that have a certain attribute above a certain amount.<br>
<br>For example, user selects SO2 and filters for values greater than 1.0.<br>After hitting the 'go' button, all the features with these attributes greater than 1.0 change color.<br><br>I have found some code for changing feature styles, but I think this is for features drawn specifically by the user (or hardcoded, added one at a time, etc., and not so much for an entire WFS full of features).<br>
<br>If anyone has an ideas, I would be extremely grateful.<br>Thanks!<br>-Ed<br>