Hi all, I've tried searching but haven't quite found what I'm looking for so I hope this isn't a repeat post.<br><br>I have all the US counties displayed as features from featureserver in an openlayers map.<br>
My problem is, every spot on the map always displays a feature (counties are everywhere), so if the user clicks anywhere on the map, it's the same thing as selecting a feature. <br>If clicking anywhere on the map selects a feature, the only way to pan is using the arrows. <br>
Example: <a href="http://pocus.wustl.edu/wfs/">http://pocus.wustl.edu/wfs/</a><br><br>Anyone know if it's possible to disable the select and force a pan, maybe using the shift key or any other modifier or maybe another icon somewhere?<br>
<br>Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br>Thanks!<br>-Ed<br>