Hello list,<br><br>I've got a map that uses a GML vector layer (loaded with about 8 polygons from a GML file) and a SelectFeature control. The problem I'm having is that just moving the mouse over the layer when it is visible--whether the SelectFeature control is active or not--hogs the CPU on Firefox 2 in Windows to the point of making the map unusable. This is on a Core 2 Duo system, so I don't think it's normal...it's also not so bad in FF3b5 on Linux on a lesser machine.<br>
<br>I don't care about mouseover/mouseout/mousemove events because I'm using click to select in the control (hover = false)...so is there a way to simply disable the mousemove and in/out detection for the layer? I presume this is what is causing the problem, because even with the layer visible if I move the mouse around the outside of the feature set there's no problem--but if I'm mousing over the polygons it bogs down.<br>
<br>Thanks for any help!<br><br>-Matt<br>