<P>Just a question: Can an opacity be set to the KML or vector layers without individually modifying each marker?<BR><BR>Current method of creating the KML layer below (it works, don't know if I should be doing it differently though).</P>
<P>/* Begin KML handling functions */<BR>function createKMLLayer(id, url, name) {<BR> if(document.getElementById(id).disabled == false) {<BR> if ( document.getElementById(id).checked == true ) {<BR> window[id] = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML(name, url,{format: OpenLayers.Format.KML,formatOptions: {extractStyles:true,extractAttributes:true}});<BR> map.addLayer(window[id]);<BR> selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(window[id],<BR> {onSelect: onFeatureSelect, onUnselect: onFeatureUnselect});<BR> map.addControl(selectControl);<BR> selectControl.activate();<BR> } else {<BR> map.removeLayer(window[id]);<BR> } <BR> }<BR>}</P>
<P> </P>