<div dir="ltr">I am hoping someone can make better sense out of this than I. I copied the example map here :<br><a href="http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/ve.html">http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/ve.html</a><br><br>I moved it to my server, and changed the links to point back to the correct locations : <a href="http://vizure.net/tests/ol/map.html">http://vizure.net/tests/ol/map.html</a><br>
This test gives me a constant error in the Firefox error console : "Error: Msn.VE.Pixel is not a constructor"<br><br>I tried hosting everything myself initially, but that doesn't work either, it's the same error : <a href="http://vizure.net/tests/ol/map2.html">http://vizure.net/tests/ol/map2.html</a><br>
<br>So I am kind of lost now. Any ideas as to why VE would not work, but everything else does?<br><br>Lennox<br></div>