Hello there !<br><br>I have a kml file sending placemarks like<br><Placemark id="274172"><br> <name>Agglomération de Grenoble</name><br> <styleUrl>#ATMO4</styleUrl><br>
<Point><coordinates>5.72005587713513,45.1806892548478,8</coordinates></Point><br></Placemark><br>The kml loads well, but, although points are correctly located with GEarth, openLayers draws them on a bad location. I tried to display my point with a marker object directly in my code page, and location is correct. I am missing something in my kml ? (comparing to the sundials sample, it seems quite the same).<br>
<br>Thanks, Romain.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Pensez à notre planète, n'imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire<br>