Hi list,<br><br>I have this problem when I run the examples locally: <br><br>-----<br>(wfs-reprojection.html)<br><br><div><span><div>
uncaught exception: Access to restricted URI denied (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)</div><div><img title="Break on this error"><span> this._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword); <br>
<br></span>XMLHttpRequest.js (ligne 177)<br>-----<br><br>The same error happens when I try to access other wfs server using gwt-openlayers<br><br>I'm trying to create WFS java classes as WMS java classes from that package:<br>
<br> WFSLayerParams wfsLayerParams = new WFSLayerParams();<br> wfsLayerParams.setProjection("EPSG:4326");<br> <br> WFSParams wfsParams = new WFSParams();<br> wfsParams.setTypeName("idm:islas");<br>
<br> wfsLayer = new WFS("WMS Layer", "<a href="http://www.geoportaligm.gov.ec/nacional/wfs" target="_blank">http://www.geoportaligm.gov.ec/nacional/wfs</a>", wfsParams, wfsLayerParams);<br></div>
I don't know if that's ok, I'm newbie in openlayers :)<br><br><br>-- <br>Diego Ochoa - darkbalder<br>email: <a href="mailto:diego.ochoat@gmail.com" target="_blank">diego.ochoat@gmail.com</a><br>Luis Pasteur 2-30 y Copernico<br>
Telf: +593 7 2451 388<br>Fax: +593 7 2451 388<br>Movil: 593 95359807<br>Cuenca - Ecuador<br>