Hi all,<br><br>What i would like to do is be able to draw a polygon on a map and then click a button and have the geometric co-ordinates of that polygon displayed.<br><br>I have been using a vector layer in association with the DrawFeature control.<br>
<br> polygonEditor = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vlayer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon);<br>polygonEditor.activate();<br><br>This draws the shape nicely however i have been unable to work out how to close this shape when done and then extract the information about it.<br>
<br>Brad<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Bradley Mclain<br>Systems Administrator Trainee<br>De Bortoli Wines Pty limited<br>De Bortoli Rd, BILBUL NSW 2680<br>e: <a href="mailto:bradley_mclain@debortoliwines.com">bradley_mclain@debortoliwines.com</a><br>