Hello,<br>I have a mapserver file that is only a small section of Norway. This map shows up correctly when I call the map like this:<br><a href="http://naturkart.no/cgi-bin/demo?map=/Library/WebServer/Documents/Naturkart/kulturminnekart/apps/demo/demowms.map&mode=map">http://naturkart.no/cgi-bin/demo?map=/Library/WebServer/Documents/Naturkart/kulturminnekart/apps/demo/demowms.map&mode=map</a><br>
<br>But when I put the mapfile into Openlayers it zooms out to Norway overview and is repeated 3 times.<br>I have tried different thing to get it to zoom in but without luck.<br><br>Here is the script I am using now:<br> map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map' );<br>
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "Østfoldkart", <br> "<a href="http://naturkart.no/cgi-bin/mapserv">http://naturkart.no/cgi-bin/mapserv</a>", {map: '/Library/WebServer/Documents/Naturkart/kulturminnekart/apps/demo/demowms.map'} );<br>
map.addLayer(layer);<br> map.zoomToMaxExtent();<br><br>I tried to use "PARTIALS FALSE" but now really sure where to put it. Any ideas?<br><br>/asle<br>