Hello.<br><br>I have a problem with the popup elements.<br>I have a map with a WMS layer, when i Query my map, I have a pop up to show the results, of my query, but the problem it's I don't have a Slidebar to show all the information.<br>
I have a html table defined in my mapfile with some javascript, and my popup defined like:<br><br>popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud('popup',<br> helper.map.getLonLatFromPixel(helper.mouse_loc),<br> new OpenLayers.Size(this.addQueryResult.innerHTML),/*this.contentDiv.innerHTML*/<br>
text,<br> null,<br> true,<br> null);<br><br>popup.autoSize = true;<br>popup.overFlow = "auto";<br clear="all">map.addPopup(popup);<br>But the result it's a poup without the scrollbar and the table result it's greater than the popup.<br>
Any sugestions?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>-- <br>Martinez Morata David<br>Thinking GIS<br>