Hello users,<br><br>From Pan.js i can see a slideFactor of 50. Shouldn't i be able to call this option inside OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel ???<br><br>I have the following code:<br>var options = {<br> projection: mercator,<br>
displayProjection: wgs,<br> units: 'm',<br> controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel({slideFactor:200})],<br> numZoomLevels: 20,<br> maxExtent: mercatorbounds,<br>
restrictedExtent: mercatorbounds<br> };<br><br>I suppose this should work here, right???<br>Obviously if i change the value in the pan.js everything goes right but i would rather prefer not changing this value here and change it just in the app's code. Is this possible???<br>
<br>Many thanks,<br><br>Hugo<br>