.hmmessage P
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<br><div>Hi,<br><br>I have this in the header of the xml file which I stream<br>to the browser whenever there is getcapabilities request.<br><pre id="line1"><span class="pi">=============<br><?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?></span><br><span class="comment"><!-- The DTD (Document Type Definition) given here must correspond to the version number declared in the WMT_MS_Capabilities element below. --></span><br><span class="error"><span class="doctype"><!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM<br> "http://www.digitalearth.gov/wmt/xml/capabilities_1_1_1.dtd"<br> [<br> </span></span><span class="comment"><!-- Vendor-specific elements are defined here if needed. --></span><br> <span class="comment"><!-- If not needed, just leave this EMPTY declaration. Do not<br> delete the declaration entirely. --></span><br> <span class="markupdeclaration"><!ELEMENT VendorSpecificCapabilities EMPTY></span><br> ]> <span class="comment"><!-- end of DOCTYPE declaration --></span><br>=============</pre>The company I am with are behind a proxy that <br>requires a username and password to access the internet.<br><br>What happens is that the browser and visual studio 2008 complain <br>that the remote server requires a proxy authentication to access <br>the DTD specified in the xml header.<br><br>"<span class="error"><span class="doctype">http://www.digitalearth.gov/wmt/xml/capabilities_1_1_1.dtd</span></span>
"<br><br>At the moment I have removed the link above and it seems to work fine.<br>How should i fix it ?<br><br>Cheers.<br></div><br><br></body>