Hello all,<br><br>i want to use base64 encoded data to display images using openlayers. can anyone suggest me how it could be done. I tried it as follows:<br>testmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(<br> "Wrap map ondemand", "image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhDwAPAKECAAAAzMzM/////wAAACwAAAAADwAPAAACIISPeQHsrZ5ModrLlN48CXF8m2iQ3YmmKqVlRtW4MLwWA", olbound,<br>
new OpenLayers.Size(2000, 1000),<br> options<br> );<br> map.addLayers([testmap]);<br><br><br><br><br>I didn't get any error but don't know if i can do it in this way or not.<br>