<div> i have a problem with vector, i draw a point(circle) in my map with this code:</div>
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<div> var style_blue = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style['default']);<br> style_blue.strokeColor = linea_color; <br> style_blue.fillColor = color;<br> if(opc>0)<br> style_blue.fillOpacity=opc;<br>
else<br> style_blue.fillOpacity=0.4; <br> style_blue.stroke=false;<br> style_blue.pointRadius=radio;</div>
<div> var points = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon_circulo,lat_circulo);<br> pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(points, null, style_blue);<br> vectorLayer.addFeatures([pointFeature]);</div>
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<div>this code draw the circle but my problem is that the circle does not fit to the zoom of the map, always has the same radio and what I need is to fit the map and as the zoom is the highest circle is also.</div>
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<div>do you know how can i do this?</div>
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