<br clear="all">Hi,<br><br>I managed to use GetFeatureInfo perfectly in my application after checking the example "Feature Info in Popup".<br><br>Every point that I click that has some information to be returned gets it returned. It's great.<br>
<br>But the problem is, when I click in a place in the map that has no information, I mean, a point from my WMS layer that has no <br>information about it in my source, it returns an empty popup.<br>That behaviour also happens in the example. If you click in the white area, for example, it returns you an empty popup.<br>
<br>The question I have is:<br>how do I make for the popup to appear only when there's some information being returned ??<br><br>I'm using openlayers 2.8 <br><br>Thanks for the attention guys<br><br>Marcos <br><br>
<br><br><br>-- <br>"Saber o que é certo e não fazê-lo é a pior covardia."<br><br>