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Hi, we have built an application with OpenLayers, and it seems we have too many elements in<br>the map for IE to handle properly (works ok in FF and Chrome).<br>Amongst other tings, we need to mark about 300 locations (and update their position from time to time). They should be selected on mouse-over<br>and trigger some functions on left and right click. Currently we are using a Vector-layer containing point-features.<br>I've had a look at the cluster example, http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/strategy-cluster.html.<br>Is this the best way to go, or are there any other ways of improving IE performance?<br>Any suggestions for gaining performance are welcome :)<br><br>Kind regards,<br>Philip Bruvoll<br><br><br /><hr />check out the rest of the Windows Live™.
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